Finding Virtual Love During COVID-19
First dates are exciting. Little butterflies are jumping in your stomach stirring with anticipation. There are so many new experiences to share, learn and get to know. For blind dates, it’s a chance to finally meet and greet your date in-person. But virtually dating when your admirer is located in another city, state or even country – that’s another story. What to do? Where to go? How can you make your first date something unique? If you haven’t tried virtual dancing together, you’re missing a chance to make a fun, first impression.
The good news is you can still show off your creative and awesome personality with virtual line dance lessons. Couples dancing is a bit strange when you’re located in different areas, but there’s no need to be in the same place to share a flirty line dance together. There are plenty of virtual line dance classes to learn at Anastassia Ballroom & Dance. Every date night can be something fun and lively. Whether you’re a newcomer to ballroom dance lessons or just want an entertaining activity to get-to-know each other online, here are ssix great ideas to bring some romance to your virtual dating scene.
1.) Virtual Private Line Dance Lesson for You and Your Date Night
Booking a private virtual dance lesson ttogether is the most romantic date option. It’s also a great ice breaker because you’ll have your own personal dance instructor to guide you along the way. You’ll receive professional dance instruction all the while socializing with your date, chatting, laughing and watching each other dance. The Rumba is the perfect line dance for beginners; it’s one of the easiest to learn and it’s also very flirtatious. It is sure to amaze your date and it’s a comfortable dance for newcomers.
2.) Virtual Group Date Dance Class! Private Line Dance Lesson with Friends
To lessen those first date jitters, try a group date among friends. It’s the best of both worlds. You can invite your mutual friends to the date night to help relax and improve your confidence. You’ll also take advantage of our dance specials. Book a private dance lesson. If you plan to reserve that Rumba line dance class for a more personal dance occasion between you and your date - then choose a hustle, waltz, or a salsa line dance for the group class. All are easy to learn for ballroom novices, so you shouldn’t feel foolish at your friends-giving celebration. If you loved watching Saturday Night Fever, then the hustle line dance is a popular crowd pleaser. It’s a fun dance, good music, and of course, who doesn’t like disco! The waltz is a tried and true traditional classic for newbies. The line dance focuses on good posture, movement and step formation. The salsa line dance has fun and lively styling to a Brazilian beat. It can be a workout. Always remember to have fun, let loose and enjoy the experience!
3.)Make it a Virtual Dance Party with 40+ Online Friends
If you’d take your date to a nightclub on a first date, then why not a virtual dance party? Who needs a romantic getaway when you can dress to impress with a bunch of friends online. Good vibes, high energy, and a cool dance environment complement the virtual first date checklist.
4.) Try Dance Video Tutorials Online
Make it a dance night in and stream ballroom video lessons together. It’s casual, informal and something active to do for an evening in. Discover some of Anastassia's ballroom dance videos in the same orientation as the viewer. Very easy to understand and you’ll impress your date at the same time.
5.) Watch a Dance Movie Together Online
If you are a little shy to rock the dance floor, ease into the dancing experience by streaming a bunch of dance movies. You can binge watch some of our favorites - like Saturday Night Fever, West Side Story, Shall We Dance, Singing In the Rain, Footloose, The Red Shoes or watch the entire Step Up series. Grab some pillows and cozy up with one of our dance picks for a Netflix Party to stream with your date.
6.) Sweat it Out with Social Distance Dancing!
Join our virtual dance program with dance pro Anastassia. Sway to the music and enjoy the pandemic-friendly digital dance environment. Have some fun with dance fitness and find your happy!